Write for Pakistan Press Club
Share Your Story and Reach a Wide Audience
Pakistan Press Club is always looking for fresh perspectives and insightful content from writers around the world. If you are interested in contributing a guest post or submitting a press release, we welcome your submissions at info@pakistanpressclub.com.

Here are a few important notes to keep in mind:
To be considered for publication, please send your pitches and completed articles to the email address above.
We prioritize original reporting and analysis, but we also accept commentary pieces.
Blog submissions should range from 400 to 800 words, while feature articles should be at least 1000 words. If you have an idea for original reporting, we recommend pitching it to the editor first.
Please submit your articles as Word documents with in-line hyperlinks to sources.
If you expect compensation for your work or if your article has been published elsewhere, please mention it in your pitch. Any payment must be agreed upon by the editor in advance.
Due to the high volume of submissions we receive, we will only respond to you if we decide to accept your piece. If you don’t hear from us within three business days, please feel free to submit your work to other publications.
We only accept submissions once. Please do not submit your work multiple times.
You can also submit press releases to the same email address.
We look forward to hearing from you and sharing your stories with our readership.